Present position
- since 01-Jan.-2004
- Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) at the Dipartimento di Fisica of the University of Rome Roma TRE
since 2006/07
- Professore Aggregato at the Dipartimento di Fisica of the University of Rome Roma TRE
Academic Career
- Nov.1998 / Dec.2003
- Scientist researcher (INFM) c/o GILDA beamline at the ESRF (Grenoble, France)
- Oct.1997 / Sept.1998
- Post-doc fellow (INFM) c/o GILDA beamline at the ESRF (Grenoble, France)
- Jan.1996 / Aug.1997
- Research fellow (INFM) c/o GILDA beamline at the ESRF (Grenoble, France)
- 1993 / 1996
- Ph.D fellow at the university of Rome "Tor Vergata" (PhD: 11.10.1996)
- Dec.1992 / Febr.1993
- ERASMUS fellowship (ICP-95-B-4045/13) c/o the university "Joseph Fourier" (Grenoble-France).
- 03.06.1991
- Degree (Laurea) in Physics 100/110 at the university of Rome "La Sapienza"
- 1989
- Maturità classica
Courses: Titular professor
- 2008/09 to now
- Corso integrato di Laboratorio di Informatica, Statistica ed Analisi dei Dati Sperimentali,
Statistica e analisi dei dati sperimentali (FIS/07) for the Biology degree course at the university of Roma TRE
- 2006/07 - 2008/09
- Corso integrato di Laboratorio di Informatica, Statistica ed Analisi dei Dati Sperimentali,
Informatica (INF/01) for the Biology degree course at the university of Roma TRE
- 2005/06 - 2006/07
- Ulteriori conoscenze informatiche/elementi di statistica (FIS/07)
for the Biology degree course at the university of Roma TRE
- 2004/05
- Laboratorio di programmazione e calcolo (INF/01)
for the Biology degree course at the university of Roma TRE
- 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04
- Fisica Medica for the Physiotherapy degree course at the university of Rome La Sapienza
- 1991/1992
- Electronics, opto-electronic and optics for the Scuola allievi ufficiali e sottoufficiali
at the Scuola Trasporti e Materiali of the italian Army.
- 1989/1990
- Fisica Medica for the school Terapisti della riabilitazione c/o S. Giacomo hospital in Rome - “Centro Didattico Polivalente USLRM/1”.
Courses: Assistant professor
- 2007/08 to now
- Ottica for the Physics degree course at the university of Roma TRE, Prof. C. Bacci
- 2007/08 to now
- Fisica II for the physics degree course at the university of Roma TRE, Prof. S. Mobilio, Prof. G. Matt
- 2003/04 to 2006/07
- Elettromagnetismo II for the physics degree course at the university of Roma TRE, Prof. C. Bacci
- 2001/02 to 2004/05
- Laboratorio di Fisica I for the physics degree course at the university of Roma TRE, Prof.ssa F. Somma
- 2001/2002
- Practical on XAFS data analysis for the physics degree course at the university of Roma TRE, Prof.G. Stefani
Project responsible
- Techno-tour:
- development of an itinerant laboratory aimed to stimulate interesto of joung students on science and novel technologies
and to promote the cooperation among school, university and industry. (finenced by MIUR 2010-2011)
Partners: Superelectic, Assing
Ph.D commisions
Javier Alonso Masa c/o department "de Electricidad y Electronica" of the University of Pais Vasco UPV/EHU (Spain):
Collective Magnetic Behaviours of FexAg100-x granular thin films and their structural characterization
ssa F. Liscio c/o l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) (France) co-tutored with università Roma TRE:
nanostructures magnetiques auto-assemblees sur des surfaces a faible energie par epitaxie par jets moleculaires (2009).
G. Dezanneau c/o l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) (France):
synthése par voi chimique et charactérization de poudres nanocristallisées de la formule La1-xMnO3+d (2002)
Thesis supervisor: postgraduate
Simone Anzellini Physics dept. University of Roma TRE:
Studio della struttura atomica locale di Nanoclusters di CdTe mediante XAFS (2010).
ssa Maria Grazia De Caro Physics dept. University of Roma TRE:
studio dei processi di ossificazione in impianti dentali mediante diffrazione di raggi X (2006).
ssa Fabiola Liscio Physics dept. University of Roma TRE:
struttura locale e magnetotrasporto nei composti di perovskiti doppie Sr2FeMoO6 (2004).
ssa Claudia Monesi Physics dept. University of Roma TRE:
Struttura locale e stati di carica del manganese in perovskiti a magnetoresistenza colossale e ordinamento di carica (2003).
Fabrizio Bardelli Physics dept. University of Roma TRE:
Effetti strutturali di ordinamento di carica in manganiti studiati con luce di sincrotrone (2002).
Fabio Pivetti Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia:
formazione di clusters in CERMET nanostrutturati: uno studio EXAFS (1999).
ssa Ilaria Selmi Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia:
interazioni in resistori a strato: uno studio tramite EXAFS ed analisi convenzionale (1996).
Thesis supervisor: undergraduated
A. Marino Physics dept. University of Roma TRE:
Radiazione di Sincrotrone: principali caratteristiche e sue applicazioni (2010).
Simone Anzellini Physics dept. University of Roma TRE:
struttura cristallografica di clusters nanometrici di Au mediante XRD (2007).
ssa Micol Casadei Physics dept. University of Roma TRE:
Diffrazione di raggi X per lo studio di materiali polifasici (2005).
- Responsible for the Diffraction laboratory of the GILDA beamline at the ESRF (Grenoble, France).
- Use of synchrotron radiation based atomic structure investigation techniques: x-ray powder diffraction (XRD), x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy, anomalous x-ray diffraction.
- Use of scientific software for XRD and XAFS data analysis
FEFF, Mxan, Fit2D).
- Project, development and entrainment of scientific instrumentation installed on the GILDA beamline at the ESRF (Grenoble, France): Translating Imaging Plate, x-ray diffractometer, 1T magnet for XAFS measurements, etc...
- Development of Scientific software for XAFS and XRD data analysis and data treatment
(ESTRA, FITEXA, ScanZero, XPS_fit, Fitheo_CM ).
- Referee of international journals as: Phys. Review B, Phys. Review Letters, J. Phys. Cond. Matt., J. Magn. Magn. Materials, Biophysical Journal, J. Synchr. Rad., J. Appl. Cryst.
- Programming languages: Fortran, C, html
Main international collaborations
- Universidad del Pais Vasco (Bilbao, Spagna) Departamento di Electricidad y electronica, local contact prof. Maria Luisa F.dez Gubieda: studies of structural features related to peculiar magnetic properties (i.e. giant magnetoresistance) in metallic glasses, granular alloys and nanostructured systems. The results were presented at internationals conferences and published on international journals since 1999
22, 28,
35, 36,
40, 41, 47, 48,
- Science et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés de Grenoble INPG-CNRS (Grenoble, France) local contact dr Mireille Maret: local structure and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial films and naostructures.
The results were presented at internationals conferences and published on international journals since 1997.
60, 77].
- Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore, India) Local contact
prof D. D. Sarma: local structure and magnetic response on perovskite structure oxides (manganese perovskites and double perovskite materials). The results were presented at internationals conferences and published on international journals since 1997 [
17, 23,
30, 32, 33,
61, 64, 65,
83, 86].
- Mossbauer Laboratory UGC DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore Centre (India), local contact Prof. Ajay Gupta: depth selective XAFS studies in thin films and interfaces. The results were presented at internationals conferences and published on international journals since 2003[
54, 23,
70, 71, 76,
78, 80].