In the heart of the Department of Physics (Roma Tre University, in Rome of course) there is a garden where, in spring time, daisies bloom, students sit on the grass studying and discussing, and professors pass by, lost in their deep thoughts. In this garden recently flourished two new astronomical structures: an Oriented Globe (oriented just like Planet Earth) and a small observatory. So this garden has become our “Astrogarden”.

The observatory

In addition to visual observations of the Moon and Planets, permits to gain skills in photometry and spectroscopy, with the aid of modern CCD’s.

The Oriented Globe

Gives you the opportunity to make many simple experiences of orientation in space and on Earth-Sun relationships.

Keep in touch with the Sky

In a city like Rome, where light pollution never lets real night come, the Astrogarden is one of the few places where direct contact between man and sky is possible. The Astrogarden raises interest by students and all visitors, drawing people to astronomy.