Present and Former Post-Doc, Students and Visiting Scientists of Prof. Paola Gallo
Dr. Leonardo Perin
Dr. Paola La Francesca
Post-Doc Researchers
Dr. Benjamin Vazquez Ramirez
Prof. Maria Martin Conde,
Maria is now associate professor at the Politecnica University of Madrid
Dr.ssa Ina Paris Bashta
Dr. Lorenzo Tenuzzo
Dr. Pietro Pugliese
Dr. Antonio Iorio
Margherita is now Research Fellow
at the Harvard Medical School and in USA
Dr. Gaia Camisasca
Gaia is now Researcher of Type A at Roma Tre
Dario is now associate editor of the Physical Review X in Long Island (USA)
Dr. Valentina De Grandis
Dr. Manuela Minozzi
Manuela is now researcher of Type A and the Link Campus University in Rome
Dr. Andrea Attili
Andrea is now researcher at the Roma Tre Section of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)
Postgraduate students
Dr. Leonardo Perin
Dr. Federico Chiricotto
Dr. Andrea Magno
Dr. Dario Corradini
Dr. Paola Cristofori
Dr. Mauro Rapinesi
Riccardo is now permanent researcher at the Institut Pasteur in Paris (FR)
Claudio is now Maitre de Conferences at INSA Lyon MATEIS (FR)
Undergraduate students
Dr. Fiammetta Focacci
Dr. Emanuele Colonna
Dr. Emanuele Velardo
Dr. Daniele Aragona
Dr. Rebecca Orlandi
Dr. Emanuele Bizzocchi
Dr. Matteo D'Aniello
Dr. Angelo Lai
Dr. Federico Ridolfi
Dr. Luca Mariani
Dr. Andrea Cimini